Do You Know What Your Beneficiaries Plan To Do With Your Assets?

When the time comes for your beneficiaries to receive your IRA assets, are you confident they will use their inheritance in a way that you’d want them to?

There are options available for you to have varying levels of control over how your beneficiaries use your assets after you’ve passed.

You may want to consider either a trusteed IRA or a trust, but how do you know which option is best for you?

To learn more, click here to download “Is a Trusteed IRA a Good Strategy for You?”

For professional assistance with your estate planning needs, contact our office at 516-294-5287 to schedule a time for a visit.



Any information provided on this blog is accurate and true to the best of our knowledge, but omissions, errors, and mistakes are a possibility. The information presented on this blog is for informational purposes only and should not be seen as financial advice. Consult with a financial professional before taking any sort of action on the information present in this blog. We reserve the right to change how we manage and run this blog and we may change the focus or content of this blog at any time.


Using IRAs to Help Children


Fixing a Missed RMD