End-of-Year Checklist

With the holiday season upon us, your to-do list might seem endless. Avoid letting the chaos distract you from your financial to-dos as you prepare for the holidays and look forward to a new year. Year-end strategies
including Roth conversions, qualified charitable distributions and required minimum distributions should be
considered to help ensure you begin 2023 on the right foot.

To ease the burden of end-of-year planning, download our “End-of-Year Checklist.”

Have questions about additional updates that may need to be made to your retirement plan? Contact our office at 516-294-5287.



Any information provided on this blog is accurate and true to the best of our knowledge, but omissions, errors, and mistakes are a possibility. The information presented on this blog is for informational purposes only and should not be seen as financial advice. Consult with a financial professional before taking any sort of action on the information present in this blog. We reserve the right to change how we manage and run this blog and we may change the focus or content of this blog at any time.


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